Tigerbark “Green Island” Ficus root over rock, glazed rectangle


Tigerbark “Green Island” Ficus root over rock, glazed rectangle

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Shohin Tiger Bark Ficus  bonsai tree in root over rock in a glazed Japanese rectangle

Ficus microcarpa are one of the easiest trees to grow as bonsai.  Tiger Bark variety have striking brown bark streaked with white stripes, and this sub-species has thick, ovaloid emerald green leaves and tendency to grow aerial roots.
F. Microcarpa enjoys full sun, moderate fertilizer and moderate amounts of water.  Water when soil is dry on top. 
Potted in bonsai soil, growing root over rock style on lava rock, in a Japanese glazed rectangle

Tree is 8” total height, approximately 10 years old, in training for 5  years.


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